unbelievably good cashew coffee

unbelievably good cashew coffee

Oh my word, you guys. This could be – has been – is currently – a game changer in our collective coffee lives. It fits anywhere and everywhere into your life because when something is so luxuriously creamy, nutty, and sweet with a bite of salt, how can it not be? For example.
  • It’s 6am and you’re getting up for an early work meeting, and you’d like to not hate the next two hours of your life. CASHEW COFFEE.
  • It’s 10am and you work from home and it’s kind of rainy, so naturally a cozy pre-lunch pick-me-up becomes necessary. CASHEW COFFEE.
  • It’s 2pm and you’re a stay-at-home mom and the kids are finally napping (I used to be a full-time nanny and I semi-know this feeling), and you want to give yourself a hug in celebration of fifteen minutes to yourself. CASHEW COFFEE.
Holy creamy goodness. This is heaven-sent.

About a year and a half ago, I made an important discovery with a tiny bit of help from my friend aka counselor: maybe it’s for the best if I don’t drink coffee. 
It’s one of those things you always think about, right? You always say that you should probably start cutting back on coffee, pop, caffeine, whatever… but for some people it’s not so much a thing-would-be-nice-to-do thing and more of a this-is-really-important-for-my-overall-well-being kind of thing. I found out last year that I am that person. Hi. Nice to meet you.
I have some perfectionist, anxious, zero chill tendencies (gasp) and caffeine makes my brain WORSE, not better. If I am already a high-strung person, caffeine just takes the high-strung-ness to new heights that should not be humanly experienced. When I stopped drinking coffee, or more accurately, swapped my default morning coffee for the occasional decaf latte or Americano or – get this – MORE WATER, I found that my overall well-being dramatically leveled out. For those not familiar with being constantly in overdrive, leveling out is a good thing. It means calm. Normal. Eyes not bulging out of head, hair not standing on end, life not spinning wildly out of control.
So I do love good coffee. Big fan over here. I still try to stay away from regular coffee for big-picture wellness reasons, but I love a deep, dark, mildly creamy cup of decaf in the morning. My two rules are that it has to be good coffee, and it has to be decaf.
This is where my beloved (decaf) coffee journey will now merge with an old, trusted friend: wrinkly, buttery, roasted cashews.
Full receipes at here

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