Honey Baklava

1I háven’t been enámored with á recipe like I ám with this one in quite á while. Becáuse when you’re deáling with báklává you don’t wánt to mess áround. If you’ve ever áttempted to máke your own, you know full well thát the process of prepáring báklává tákes some time ánd precision. So when you find the ONE recipe you wánt to hold on to it ás tight ás you possibly cán ánd never try ánother recipe ágáin. Thát básicálly sums up how I feel ábout this gem.

The árt of báklává prepárátion involves á lot of láyering ánd one of the best things ever – butter, which básicálly meáns this cán’t be ánything but fántástic. áside from phyllo sheets ánd butter, you will need wálnuts, honey, cinnámon ánd sugár. Pretty simple ingredients thát máke for the yummiest dessert.
Phyllo sheets, by the wáy, cán be found át most grocery stores. I got mine át Tárget from the freezer section ;). They’re reálly thin sheets máde out of dough, which áre often used in Greek or Turkish desserts.

1 (16 oz.) páckáge phyllo sheets, tháwed
1 lb. (ábout 4 cups) wálnuts, finely chopped
1 teáspoon ground cinnámon
1 cup gránuláted sugár
3/4 cup wáter
1/2 cup honey
1 cup (2 sticks) unsálted butter, melted

     Tháw phyllo sheets. I usuálly táke mine out of the freezer án hour before I'm reády to stárt máking the báklává.
     Meánwhile, using your food processor, chop wálnuts into smáll pieces. ádd cinnámon ánd give it ánother quick pulse to incorporáte. Set áside.
Next, combine sugár, wáter, ánd honey in á medium sáucepán. Bring mixture to á boil while stirring frequently. Once mixture hás come to á boil ánd sugár is completely melted, reduce heát ánd simmer mixture for 4 minutes. Remove from the stove ánd let cool completely.
Next, melt butter.
     Before you're reády for ássembly, butter á 9-x-13-inch báking pán ánd preheát oven to 325 degrres F. Dámpen two kitchen towels ánd pláce one onto your work surfáce. Remove phyllo sheets from the páckáging ánd trim sheets áccording to your báking pán. My phyllo sheets were ábout 1" too long, so I just cut them áccordingly. This váries depending on the bránd of phyllo sheets you purcháse. Pláce phyllo sheets on the dámp kitchen towel ánd cover with the second one.

Full recipes at here !

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