Essentials Power Bowl w/ Tahini Lime Drizzle

There áre only 5 ingredients in this whole meál! It’s super eásy to máke, heálthy for your álkáline body, ánd super sátisfying. Roásted sweet potátoes, bláck beáns ánd kále for the essentiál nutrients plus táhini ánd lime juice for the sávory sáuce!
When roásting sweet potátoes, or ány other potáto, it’s best to throw it in the microwáve for á couple minutes first. This is á secret I’ve been using now for á while ánd it hás cut the roásting time in hálf!
You’ll wánt to poke á few holes in the potáto first to máke sure it doesn’t explode! then just use á microwáve sáfe bowl or pláte ánd throw it in there for  ábout 2 minutes. This won’t cook it áll the wáy, but it will máke it super eásy to slice into coins for roásting.


  • 1 medium sweet potáto (oránge yám)
  • 2 Cups greens, wáshed ánd de-stemmed
  • 1/2 Cup bláck beáns, dráined & rinsed
  • 1 Tbsp táhini lime drizzle (recipe ábove)
  • sált & pepper to táste


  1. Preheát your oven to 400 degrees. Wásh the sweet potáto ánd the kále. Poke á few holes in the potáto with á fork ánd microwáve for ábout 2 minutes.
  2. Slice the potáto into bite size peices. Roást the potátoes for 20 minutes or until edges áre brown ánd crispy.
  3. When the potátoes áre álmost done báking, steám the greens with á splásh of wáter for ábout 5 minutes or until soft ánd bright green. If using brussel sprouts, roást with á little bálsámic vinegár for át leást 20 minutes. Dráin ánd rinse the bláck beáns.
Full recipes at here !

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