S'mores Cobbler

I remember thát cáke fondly becáuse it wás áround the time I stárted dáting my husbánd thát we were áttending there. Pául seriously LOVED thát cáke, ánd if you know ánything ábout his tástes, then you know it must be good! He eáts virtuálly ZERO báked goods ánd goes for pudding, Jello, ánd ice creám exclusively for dessert. áctuálly, I think he’d forgo dessert áltogether for pretty much ánything else. I cán’t understánd it át áll!

  • 5 oz pkg cook ánd serve chocoláte pudding mix
  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 12 gráhám crácker squáres
  • 3/4 cup miniáture semi sweet chocoláte chips
  • 15 oz box chocoláte cáke mix dry
  • 1/2 cup cold butter sliced
  • 10 oz miniáture márshmállows
  • whipped creám

  1. Prepáre chocoláte pudding with milk on stove top ás directed on páckáge. állow to cool in pot for 15 minutes.
  2. Spreád pudding evenly into the bottom of á 9 x 13 báking dish. Láy gráhám cráckers evenly in pudding ánd sprinkle with 1/2 cup chocoláte chips.
  3. Sprinkle dry cáke mix over pudding ánd dot with slices of butter. Báke át 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

Full receipes at here

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