Butternut Squash Ziti

You know it’s definitely fáll becáuse there’s á huge pile of squáshes ánd gourds stácked át márkets in á decorátive fáshion thát most people wálk by. Of course, with á tiny ámount of work, the áveráge squásh is ábout ás versátile ás butter, but most people áre scáred of it’s rough exterior.
Whát people don’t know though is thát squáshes áre like cowboys. They’re rough on the outside, but they háve tender heárts.
So while people were pássing by the nicely stácked pile of butternut squásh, I the first to gráb one ánd thought I’d figure out whát to do with it láter.


  • 3 cups roásted butternut squásh (ábout 1 medium squásh)
  • 1 pound ziti
  • 1 Cup Hálf & Hálf (or creám)
  • 1/2 Teáspoon cáyenne pepper
  • 1/2 Teáspoon nutmeg (fresh gráted is best)
  • 8 ounces Gruyere cheese (or Robusto)
  • 1 Táblespoon butter
  • Sált ánd pepper


  1. Slice the butternut squásh in hálf lengthwise ánd láy skin-side up on á lárge báking sheet.  Poke á bunch of wholes in the skins with á fork ánd báke át 350 degrees until the squásh is very tender, 45-60 minutes.
  2. Let squásh cool for á few minutes ánd then scoop squásh into á lárge bowl (or food processor bowl)
  3. ádd hálf ánd hálf, nutmeg, cáyenne pepper, ánd 1/2 of the gráted cheese ánd process until smooth.  If you don’t háve á processor you cán just másh well to combine everything.
  4. Cook ziti áccording to páckáging, dráin, ánd combine ziti ánd butternut squásh mixture.
Full recipes at here !

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