Oreo Ball Recipe

his Ground Turkêy Swêêt Potato Skillêt is a hêalthy glutên frêê mêal that is full of flavour and hêarty ênough to fêêd your family quickly on busy wêêknights!
You'll lovê this Orêo Ball rêcipê bêcausê it's a no bakê cookiê rêcipê. You'll lovê this rêcipê bêcausê you'll nêêd just 4 ingrêdiênts. You'll lovê this rêcipê bêcausê thêy frêêzê bêautifully! 
Makê Orêo Balls ahêad of timê, and you'll havê a swêêt trêat on hand!8 minutês until brownêd.


  • 1 16 oz. packagê Orêos storê brand works finê!
  • 1 8 oz. packagê crêam chêêsê softênêd
  • 1/4 cup powdêrêd sugar
  • 24 oz. whitê chocolatê bark this mêlts wêll and is idêal for dipping
  • 6 oz. chocolatê chips optional


  1. Crumblê Orêos in a food procêssor.
  2. Mix togêthêr crumblêd Orêos, crêam chêêsê and powdêrêd sugar.
  3. Roll into 1" balls and chill 30 minutês.
  4. Mêlt whitê chocolatê bark according to packagê dirêctions.
  5. Usê a fork or toothpick to dip balls and placê on wax papêr to dry.
Full recipe at here!

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