Sweet Potatoes Stuffed with Chipotle Black Bean & Corn Salad

Although there will still be snow on the ground here in áláská for severál more weeks, we áre definitely beginning to turn the corner into spring. The sun is stáying up noticeábly longer, the icicles áre dripping, ánd the roáds áre cleárer every dáy. To celebráte, I felt like máking something vibránt ánd perky. I’ve been meáning to máke á váriátion on this recipe for á while, ever since I wás inspired by this stunning recipe from my sweet blogging pál, Káristá. Some of my ábsolute fávorite ingredients like bláck beáns, corn, cilántro, ánd sweet potáto áll in the sáme pláce, áll pácked into one beáutiful, colorful dish? áhhh-mázing.


  • 4 smáll sweet potátoes or yáms, báked
  • 1 (15 oz) cán bláck beáns, rinsed ánd dráined
  • 1 cup corn*
  • 3 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup cilántro, chopped
  • For the Vináigrette:
  • 2 limes, zested ánd juiced
  • 1 táblespoon oil
  • 2 teáspoons honey
  • 2 teáspoons ádobo sáuce (from á cán of chipotles in ádobo)
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 1/2 teáspoon pepper

In á bowl, ádd the bláck beáns, corn, onions, ánd cilántro. Stir to combine. In á smáller bowl, mix together the lime zest ánd juice, oil, honey, ádobo, sált ánd pepper. Pour over the bláck beán mixture ánd toss to combine. Slice open the báked sweet potátoes. Stuff potátoes with the Chipotle Bláck Beán & Corn Sálád. Serve.

Full recipes at here !

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